Film & choreographic performance for dancers and physically disabled children

L'Âge d'or

A diptych made up of a film and a performance, The Golden Age is a journey offering different points of view linked to a specific reality : a choreographic experiment, made by children with motoric variations and dancers, associating bodily technics and new technologies.The performance presents a serie of choreographic improvisations within the exhibition space. They are presented on an area covered with soft mats. The audience is invited to sit or circulate around this area, facing the raw beauty of the dances proposed by the children and the dancers. These improviseddances are designed specifically for each child.

They take into account the specificities of a child’s personality and body (atonic or dystonic, on a different scale) with “receptor” dancers. The children are the seeds of collective choreographic landscapes resulting from their uninhibited jolts for instance or from an internal organic mobility which echoes with the dancers. These dances are a negotiation, a circulation, a permanent cycle allowing influences and stimulations. They are presented to the public in its experimental dimension, in the intensity of a present.

Performance distributionConception: Eric Minh Cuong CastaingChoreography: Aloun Marchal, Eric Minh Cuong CastaingInterpretation: Eric Minh Cuong Castaing, Aloun Marchal, Fanny Didelot, Nans Piersonwith the children from Saint-Thys Center: Maëlle Cavin, Sarah Curel, Yannis Ferchichi, Lea Genovese, Seyit Ali GonulDramaturgy: Marine RelingerProduction: Shonen, Juliette RaffierAdministration: Maxime Kottmann.
Supported by :Audi Talents 2017, Festival de Marseille,Ballet National de Marseille, French Ministry for Culture DGCA Dance Delegation, Regional Council Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, CNC-CVS, DICRéAM, Tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf, Ville de Marseille, Festival Parallèle.With the assistance of Saint-Thys Motor EducationInstitute (Marseilles).